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A Salute to Ted Bogner

Welcome to the initial edition of the BX Blog! The content of the Blog will be broad, ranging from current events and projects in our locale, commentary on legislative and legal developments and important news relating to our member companies.

In this, our first Blog which will be published on a bi – monthly basis, I wanted to highlight and discuss the remarkable story of Bogner Construction Company of Wooster and its departing President and leader for many years, Ted Bogner. The Bogner Construction story is one of longevity; loyalty to its community, customers and employees; perseverance and last, but certainly not least, family. Like many of our member companies, Bogner Construction is a family - owned business. However, extraordinarily, the company is now being led by the fourth generation of the Bogner family, following Ted’s recent retirement. Few family companies last this long, perhaps 3 percent.

Knowing Ted as I do, he’d say Bogner’s longevity was no “cakewalk.” The basis for the company’s success was producing for its customers, time and again. Evidence of Bogner Construction’s success is all throughout the Wooster and greater Wayne County area in the numerous building projects having the Bogner name on them. Utmost in Ted’s business philosophy is Bogner’s loyalty to its customers which, in turn, created customer loyalty to Bogner Construction.

As many of us know, Wooster is a lovely, bucolic city and community, boasting Wooster College and a fine school system. No surprise: Bogner Construction has been the go – to contractor in the expansion and renovation of both the Wooster College and Wooster City School campuses. Many of the businesses in the area look to Bogner Construction for their construction needs. Why? Easy answer. Success breeds reputation and reputation creates business.

Ted and Bogner Construction demand superior work from their subcontractors because they know their subcontractors’ work reflects on their work and reputation. Not surprisingly, Bogner’s subcontractors are loyal because Bogner treats them right. Likewise, as to Bogner’s employees, many of whom are long – term with the company.

So, congratulations to Ted Bogner for a great career and best wishes for continued success to the next generation of Bogner leadership.

John Ross

Executive Director


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